Dear Husband–Your ‘Option C’

This list is dedicated to my dear husband who, after being given two vacation destination options, asked if there was a third.  Sweetie, this list is for you.

In my life, I would like to…

2.  hike the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu.
3.  take a train from Toronto to Vancouver, stopping all along the way.
4.  drive the entirety of the Ring Road in Iceland.
5.  spend a month island hopping in Hawaii.
6.  rent a house in Napa or Sonoma county and visit wineries and redwood forests.
7.  take a river cruise from Amsterdam to Prague.
8.  experience the 35-Day Voyage of the Vikings cruise.
9.  return to the UK and do a multi-country self-driven tour, including England, Wales,    and Scotland.
10.  visit Bermuda.
11.  cruise from the east coast of the US to the west coast.
12.  Visit Australia and New Zealand.
13.  return to Vancouver and Amsterdam (accomplished by numbers 3 and 7).
14.  spend a week at an all-inclusive resort eating, drinking, and laying in the sun.

So dear–which one seems the most possible?  If you said ‘none of the above’, you win a gold star!

You’ll note that I’m missing a #1.  That’s the problem–my #1 birthday wish is in direct opposition to all of these travel dreams.  My number one travel dream is…

1.  Make travel and writing my career.

At this point, making number one happen might preclude any of the others from happening any time soon.  You see, in order for me to switch careers, I need a great deal of time and even more money, as ‘making it as a writer’ and ‘making the mortgage’ do not typically go together.  So you see, dear husband, your ‘option C’ just might be ‘stay home and tend the garden’.  And tend it well–because that may be the only food we can afford to eat all winter long!

6 responses to “Dear Husband–Your ‘Option C’

  1. If you decide on #9, let me know. About 40 trips there!!! But we don’t drive- we use trains and some buses. I like letting someone else navigate. Don’t you really want to have a fantasy? Why not add Hong Kong, Austrialia? Or Austria? …… Sometimes dreams do come true.

    • wow–40 trips!!! i’m impressed–and jealous! i would be ok with the train thing–i love train travel. but when we did the little bus tour from bath to stonehenge, all i could think was ‘man i wish i could drive these beautiful roads and stop whenever i feel like it!’ i do have Australia on the list (#12), but i would love to do Austria, too! i think the river cruise i want to do makes a stop in vienna…checking…yes, yes it does. it’s actually amsterdam to budapest. as for hong kong, i still think i’m too much of a wuss for asia–i felt uncomfortable with the language and crowds in in paris, after all! if not, cambodia would be on the list, as would istanbul (i realize that’s only half in asia–but still!)

  2. Sorry I missed seeing # 12. We went to Hong Kong as part of an around the world trip for Hubby’s 50th b’day. It was the one place were we really did want a guide most of the time. Though we did wander around a bit near our hotel. Only problem was that we were only there one full day. We HAVE to go back sometime! Sydney was the cleanest city (next to Oslo Norway)!!! Pristine!!! and crisp, somehow. Spent almost a week there. Loved it- just enough of a taste to want to return and see more of the country. Austria was the firs place in Europe Chuck ever took me. We had a bit of a”Sound of Music” theme to our wedding (some of the songs and flower girl in dirndle and ring bearer in leiderhosen) because we both love that story and movie. Vienna is nice, but Salzburg and Innsbruck are better. Most people speak at least a little English. Salzburg’s Christmas market is amazing. I’d also add Scandinavia- esp. Norway. Lovely, and everyone speaks English (often better than some of my former students- lol). But somehow, London and Scotland and parts of Wales have my heart!!!! I envy you planning….. though I’m in a bit of a fantasy myself right now. Hoping beyond hope to be able to take my mom, sister and aunt to Ireland, maybe Scotland and London. If Mother-in-law keeps improving, mother’s back surgery goes well, and money works…… it might happen in April or May or June… cross your fingers for me.

  3. You are so right, we do have a lot in commom. The offer is still open to carry your bags :)!!

  4. Pingback: How to Win Arguments and Influence Husbands « Blog on the Run

  5. Pingback: My Travel Cost Guidelines | Blog on the Run

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