Back in the Saddle

Little over a month after our return from The Great Europe Debacle, I’m once again booking flights and copying down confirmation numbers.  And despite my husband’s insistence that he’d never, ever want to take me to another crowded place filled with lines and tourists…we’re going to Disney World!

Seriously.  We’re going to Disney World.  I will pause to give my readers time to laugh and choke.


Putting both hands over your head helps, if you are still choking.

To be fair, we’re not ‘technically’ going to Disney World.  We’re going to the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention.  But it is being held at the Coronado Springs Resort, which is on Mouse Territory.  And we are staying at the overflow convention resort, Disney’s Yacht and Beach Club, which borders Epcot.  So for all intents and purposes, we’re going to Disney World.

Oh–and we are actually going to go to Disney World.  And Epcot.  But more on that later.

You may be thinking ‘now this is a recipe for disaster’, and you are probably right.  But I’m going to try to learn from the Europe Trip, and avoid making the same mistakes.  Other than, of course, the mistake of volunteering to spend time somewhere crowded and line-filled.  More on that later, too.

But it’s the convention that I’m most excited about.  How nerdy is that?!?  We went to last year’s convention in Philadelphia, and it was great.  Better than great, actually.  I had more fun at the 2009 NCTE convention than I had in Paris, and I came home with lots of ideas for my classroom and over eighty new young adult books for my students.  So I have to think that this trip is going to be a good one.  This is me crossing my fingers.

5 responses to “Back in the Saddle

  1. I hope you have a great time at Disney World….getting books sounds more fun then actually going to Epcot. I didn’t care for Epcot..I’ll be interested in knowing what you think.

    • Yes, I’m much more excited about the books. Glad someone else understands! We’re mainly going to Epcot so my husband can ‘drink around the world’ (and I can ‘help him walk around the world’!)

  2. You may just love Disney yet, lots of bathrooms and the parks are spotless

  3. You’ll find plenty of free bathrooms…

    • I know–people keep telling me that! But also lots of lines–so really, it’s a toss up! 😉 I’m actually AFRAID i’ll like it there, as that would go against everything i’ve previously believed about myself. but oh well–who couldn’t use a bit of personal philosophy shaking?

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