And on the Seventh Day…

I’d like to interrupt my posts on my last trip (to Disney World) to share the details of my next trip (to…ahem…Disney World).

Yes, that’s right, while I did not return with a Mickey tattoo or a Disney time share, I’m going back (and contemplating that time share!)  Exactly seven days ago we were on the plane home, and as of a few hours ago the next trip is completely booked–flights, hotel, dinner reservations, and ‘special experiences’.  Done and done.

You may recall me talking about a mother-daughter trip.  You may recall lots of contemplation of where to go next.  You may recall that we settled on Napa.  Well, after all of that, my mother looked at my Disney photos and decided–to Disney I shall return.

But I’ve not yet shared the best part.  You see, we are both very busy people, my mother and I.  She travels for work and I teach, both of which create a bit of a challenge when planning vacations.  I only have three personal days, so the time period had to be over a weekend, and she cannot travel the first week of the month due to some magical thing that happens to accountants during the first week of the month.  We also were trying to stick with a low crowd-level experience.  So we sat down with our crowd level calendar, our respective work calendars, and the AirTran website and tried to figure out when we could go.  Only after settling on dates and booking the airfare did we realize–we’re going over Mother’s Day.

How cute is that?

So at that point I decided that this has to be the best trip for her ever (more on why later), and set out making plans that include as many special experiences as possible.  I’m not going to share them here–I know she used to read this blog, and I’m trying to keep the secrets secret–but just know they are awesome.  And add to the awesomeness the fact that I was able to (almost) book everything I wanted to do for (almost) exactly when I wanted to do it.

The one non-surprise–as she had to know about this for several reasons–is the Wanyama Safari we will be taking on our first full day there.  It’s a tour of all of the Savannahs at Animal Kingdom Lodge, with up-close-and-personal animal encounters, followed by a private dining experience at Jiko (complete with wine parings–god I love wine parings!)  We will also be staying at Animal Kingdom Lodge, a choice I never would have made but for how very excited she got about it when she saw it online (we actually originally booked the Dolphin, and then canceled it 24 hours later and booked Animal Kingdom Lodge.)  And now, of course, after much research, I’m SUPER excited.  It looks awesome; my only concern is our possible reluctance to leave the hotel to venture out into the parks!

But more on this later–now to continue my slew of ‘how great our last trip was’ posts.

Oh–and my husband and I are going to Napa for our summer trip.  So really, it’s a win-win situation.  Hell–I’m going to Disney in May, somewhere else with the husband later in May (likely Key West) and Napa in July/August.  That’s win-win-win-win-win…I could go on…!


4 responses to “And on the Seventh Day…

  1. Oh Tracy! You will fall in love with Animal Kingdom Lodge! That is one of our home resorts for DVC, and we absolutely adore it there! You will have to tell me how the Wanyama Safari is…I’ve never done it, but would very much like to do so! And you are right. It will be hard to tear yourself away from the balcony to go to the parks. One night, we had a dozen Thompson’s gazelles camp out under our balcony. Another time we saw a greater Kudu using his massive antlers to steal food from the giraffes. We have seen 6 giraffe stampede onto the savanna. It’s a beautiful and amazing resort! However, they do schedule animal care and feeding for the late mornings and early afternoons, so the savannas will be quiet and you can go to the parks without feeling like you are missing anything.

  2. Pingback: Farewell 2010–Post 1: The Ghost of Travel Past « Blog on the Run

  3. Pingback: I Think I’m Going to be Sick « Blog on the Run

  4. Pingback: The Full Mickey | Blog on the Run

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